Join us for the first Sunday of Christmas, December 29th at 10:30am. Rick Spielman, CLP, will be preaching and leading us in worship.
Weekly Bell Choirs and Westminster Ch...
Our weekly Bell Choir and Westminster Choirs will begin practicing for the 2024-2024 church year. The Youth Bell choir will meet on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and the Adult Bell choir will meet on Tuesdays at 6pm starting Tuesday, September 3rd. Westminster Choir meets on Thursdays at 7pm starting on September 5th.
YES! Worship videos ARE available onl...
At the tab for “Services” on the far right top of this page you’ll find a drop down menu which includes the option to “watch service online.” When you choose that option, the most recent worship service will appear, ready to view. To watch previous services, choose “playlist” in the upper left corn of that box and select […]
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Yes, find us on Facebook at “First Presbyterian Church of Idaho Falls” to learn about events and activities, view photos, and connect with us. During this transitional time, we’re expanding and updating the ways we communicate.